You And The Growing Popularity Of Membership Sites Online In 2014

By Bilal Hamdan

If we have to make an observation about membership sites, it is that there are many of them out there. You might not even be able count how many of them there are. Easily, the most popular of membership websites are dating sites and adult sites. But there are many more out there and their numbers will only keep on growing.

Now in 2014, many sites are evolving further and requiring membership access to their most privileged information. This membership access-often paid access-grants users access to deals, information and specialty products that the common user cannot access without joining. Why is this so important to these sites?

Membership websites do not suffer from the same disadvantages as information websites. Since members need to login, they will stay on your website longer (read: lower bounce rate). The lower the bounce rate, the better you will rank on Google. But SEO benefits aside, membership websites have the advantage of steady income. Since they usually charge monthly fees, your income is guaranteed as long as your members don't cancel.

The key to making a lot of money with membership websites is providing a valuable product or service to your members, something they won't find anywhere else on the Internet. When you're sure about your product or service, promote it and then promote it.

As we said earlier, you can make a membership website on practically any topic. You don't have to be an expert on the topic, but you need to make sure you are providing value to your members. To make a membership website, you need to buy a membership website builder like Webs dot com.

Currently, some of the most popular membership sites, aside from dating sites, are book membership sites like Goodreads dot com, as well as language learning websites like http://koreanclass101 dot com. You need to become a member of GoodReads in order to buy books and leave reviews. The same is true for language learning websites. Why should you create a membership site? It's a good way to create and increase your customer base. Also, you can sell to your customers again and again. Also, the income tends to be steady especially if you're selling hot products. If you create an information website, you lose most of your potential customers the moment they hit the X button. Also, there's no guarantee they're going to buy from you.

About the Author:

I M John Chow
Work From No Home
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