Understanding The Importance Of Facebook Presence For Business

By Bilal Hamdan

Every one knows how to use Facebook to connect with their old friends. But are you aware of how this huge social network could help to grow your business exponentially? This article will highlight some of the major benefits of using Facebook to grow one's business.

One advantage is that if someone "likes" your page, then it shows up on their "wall" and their friends see that they've "liked" your page. This is a great way to advertise as the friends often will go and take a look to see what it's all about. This may in turn lead to more "likes" and the process repeats with a new person who has other friends on their list.

Building your Facebook fan page couldn't be easier and they walk you through every step of the process. You have the opportunity to upload pictures, give a description of your business, share a phone number, share the company website and more. It's like free advertising without the hassle.

4. Customer interaction and feedback are two of the most important factors for a successful business. A fan-page on Facebook will allow a business to learn more about their customers. Through comments and posts, the business will get a timely feedback from a larger audience.

If you want to pay for more promotion on Facebook, you can also do that. You can either run an ad on the sidebar or pay to have more people see each of your posts. There really are a lot of options.

The above mentioned are some of the major benefits of using Facebook for businesses. Facebook also provides excellent demographics about your visitors such as where they live, their interests on Facebook, their gender, age and other things that can help you gear your approach to them. You can also use these demographic categories to market to groups of people who have never heard of you, yet you can target them with Facebook ads very effectively.

About the Author:

I M John Chow
Work From No Home
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